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Bankinter ~ Corporate Wellness


    01. Challenge

    Bankinter is positioned with a clear commitment to improve and evolve it’s value offer to the employee. One of it’s priorities lays in the creation of a corporate program in which the promotion of sport, nutrition and emotional balance can contribute to the greater well-being of its employees. In order to achieve this, they must create a digital platform to found the program.

    02. Solution

    A digital platform tailored to the needs of the employees that integrates security and technology in corporate systems; whilst accompanying the company's HR strategy.

    The Corporate Wellness platform has been developed in collaboration with YouFirst Sports.

    03. Result

    The Corporate Wellness Program has been created. It is not limited to promoting sports and training among employees, but will also entail guidelines, nutritional habits and emotional balance tools to improve their overall wellness. The available challenges, clubs and social experiences will also help to complete a 360 degrees gamification experience.